Electric Flykillers attract flying insects using an ultraviolet (UV) attractant lamp. Electric flykillers work best where alternative light is restricted.
EFK’s are frequently installed in kitchens (as required by Environmental Health Officers) with strong light competition, so there may be a need for more EFK’s than the standard recommendations.
EFK’s are available in 2 main forms:
Fitted with an electric killing grid
Fitted with sticky boards
Electric killing grid types are the most effective, but may not be appropriate in an elegant restaurant where the ‘zizzing’ noise that heralds another successful kill would undoubtedly destroy the ambience! So there are now a number of very elegant soft lighting sticky board designs available.
We are main distributors for the best known make ‘Insect-o-Cutor’. As part of the service to professional EFK users, we will carry out a free site inspection to advise on the best model & location to get the most effective use from your EFK. For further product information contact us or visit the Insect-o-cutor web site.
Many professional EFK users require Service Contracts to cover cleaning, maintenance etc – please see our Contracts Page for details.